What is the Ground Potential Rise in your home and why you should take it seriously
People familiar with electricity frequently accept the idea that “Ground is ground,” i.e., that in a house, especially with a grounding system that complies with the NEC or CEC, all points of the grounding system are at the same voltage…. Read more
Apr 30, 2018 | By Edvard Csanyi
Five Terms You MUST Be Familiar With: SCADA, DCS, PLC, RTU and Smart Instrument
This technical article shed light on terminology used in the field of SCADA and industrial automation. The terms SCADA, distributed control system (DCS), programmable logic controller (PLC), remote terminal unit (RTU) and smart instrument are very important when we’re talking… Read more
Apr 25, 2018 | By Edvard Csanyi
Where and Why Do We Use Phase-Shifting Transformers?
Because of the predominantly inductive character of the power system, an active power flow between source and load must be accomplished with a phase lag between the terminals. Phase-shifting transformers are a preferred tool to achieve this goal. Two principal… Read more
Apr 23, 2018 | By Edvard Csanyi
The Essentials Of Low Voltage Installations, Loads and Loads Modelling
Electrical installations are power systems aimed at final low voltage electricity consumption in homes, offices, and small companies. In electrical installation, electricity is usually taken from the public distribution network. Recently the concept of electrical installation has slightly evolved, since the…...
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Apr 20, 2018 | By Edvard Csanyi
6 different types of relaying schemes to protect the EHV and UHV transmission lines
A substation can employ many relaying systems to protect the equipment associated with the station. The most important of these are: transmission and distribution lines emanating from the station, step-up and step-down transformers, station buses, breakers, shunt and series reactors… Read more
Apr 18, 2018 | By Edvard Csanyi
Reliability Or Unreliability Of Capacitor Banks, Failure Modes and Case Ruptures
Several problems contribute to the overall reliability or unreliability of capacitor banks. In a detailed analysis of Kansas City Power & Light’s automated capacitor banks, Goeckeler reported that blown fuses are KCP&L’s biggest problem, but several other problems exist. Their… Read more
Apr 16, 2018 | By Edvard Csanyi
Coordination problems in electrical networks that lead to nuisance CB tripping
There are a number of problems that commonly occur in industrial and commercial networks, and some of them are covered in the following paragraphs. Coordination malfunctioning is leading to nuisance tripping of circuit breakers and unwanted electrical effects. Let’s discover… Read more
Apr 11, 2018 | By Edvard Csanyi
HV Substation Equipment For Engineers In a Nutshell
Substations are locations where transmission lines are tied together. They fulfill a number of functions. One of them is that they allow power from different generating stations to be fed into the main transmission corridors. Power substations also provide a… Read more
Apr 09, 2018 | By Edvard Csanyi
The Essentials Of Substations, Electrical Equipment and Busbar Arrangements
Electrical power systems nowadays are generated, transmitted, and distributed in the form of alternating current. The electric power is produced at the power stations which are located in suitable places, generally quite away from the consumers. It is delivered to…...
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Apr 06, 2018 | By Edvard Csanyi
Communication Channels As The Weakest Link In The System Protection Chain
Protection engineers have a variety of communication channels to use for relay protection. This is a field in itself, and is very important for a discussion of the protective systems. Historically and currently, channels generally have been the weakest link… Read more
Apr 04, 2018 | By Edvard Csanyi
How Sensors and Actuators Work Behind RTUs and SCADA Systems
RTUs (remote terminal units) are now made from small computers. Shortly after this began, controller algorithms were programmed into the RTU. Flow totalizers, power factor calculators, and logic solvers soon followed. Any function that can be described by a mathematical… Read more
Apr 02, 2018 | By Edvard Csanyi