Good practice rules for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of LV conductors
The search for an overall optimization of the installation with regard to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and its ability to function without suffering or emitting excessive interference, comes via a set of good practices, which are often simple and based on…...
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Sep 30, 2019 | By Edvard Csanyi
Protective grounding requirements for transmission and distribution lines
This technical article covers protective grounding requirements for steel tower and wood pole supported transmission and distribution lines, and insulated power cables. Protective grounds must be installed so all phases of lines or cable are visibly and effectively bonded together… Read more
Sep 25, 2019 | By Edvard Csanyi
Things you MUST know when commissioning low voltage switchgear and circuit breakers
Purchasing low voltage switchgear is not that easy, it’s not like purchasing a new TV or laptop. You have to be very experienced and deadly serious when specifying and ordering LV switchgear, but also during the commissioning and testing. This…...
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Sep 23, 2019 | By Edvard Csanyi
Why we find temperature so important everywhere in electrical engineering?
The purpose of this article is to underline and illustrate the importance of temperature for various aspects of electrical engineering. This is one of the crucial engineering issues from the very beginning in design and procurement stage, later during exploitation,…...
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Sep 20, 2019 | By Miodrag Kokotovic
Major components you can spot while looking at HV/EHV GIS (Gas-insulated switchgear)
Gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) is a piece of high voltage equipment that is being constantly developed day by day. The basics of GIS technology is more or less the same, but everything else under the hood is improved a lot comparing…...
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Sep 18, 2019 | By Edvard Csanyi
Operating centralized automatic compensation systems when supplying linear loads
For energy-efficient operation of decentralized multiply-fed industrial networks, each load-centre substation must have its own centralized reactive-power compensation system for automatic PF correction. The automatic reactive-power compensation systems used for load-related control of the reactive power comprise a PF controller… Read more
Sep 16, 2019 | By Edvard Csanyi
Testing and commissioning of HV power transformers, circuit breakers, CTs and VTs
As you already know, substations are the points for controlling the supply of power on different routes by means of various equipment such as power transformers, circuit breakers, CTs/VTs, compensating equipment, isolators, etc. The various circuits are joined together through… Read more
Sep 11, 2019 | By Edvard Csanyi
Interference and noise affecting transmission media in protection signalling
The transmission media that provide the communication links involved in relay protection signalling are private pilots, rented pilots or channels, power line carrier, radio and the newest and the most advanced technology – optical fibres. Historically, pilot wires and channels… Read more
Sep 09, 2019 | By Edvard Csanyi
Field devices and signals used for LV SCADA operations
At low voltage level, SCADA applications are usually used for process control and monitoring of equipment. Furthermore, incoming circuit breakers or switch disconnectors inside large LV switchboards may also be operated remotely, by the command given from the SCADA working…...
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Sep 05, 2019 | By Miodrag Kokotovic
The facts about modern rotary and static uninterruptible power systems (UPS)
This technical article covers the brief explanation of the power quality issues with the reference to the past as well as two main types of modern UPS systems – rotary and static uninterruptible power systems, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages…. Read more
Sep 04, 2019 | By Edvard Csanyi
Reactive power and power factor correction essentials to ALWAYS keep on mind
Why reactive power and power factor correction are so important? Well, for experienced engineers, this is not the question but the fact. For young students who meet this matter and terms for the first time, it’s important to explain the… Read more
Sep 02, 2019 | By Edvard Csanyi