Hints on installation and commissioning power transformers (experience and recommendations)
Purchasing a power transformer for a project is always challenging for every electrical engineer dealing with the procurement. You could omit dozens of possible details from the final specification and get crucified by the company management if you accidentally forget…...
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Sep 28, 2020 | By Edvard Csanyi
My experience in the first synchronization of the MV generator in an industrial plant
Any power plant commissioning, from small industrial GTG (Gas-To-Gasoline) to nuclear facility, will converge to a very final step before (provisional) commercial operation, sometimes empathized as “first kW”: synchronization to the local or national grid. This is in fact a…...
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Sep 21, 2020 | By Marco Bruschini
Eight fuse characteristics you must consider when designing protection circuits
Fuses were the first type of protection to be used, and they still have a place in numerous applications. Although they do not have the flexibility of adjustment and resetting capacity of a circuit breaker, they are nevertheless reliable, high… Read more
Sep 16, 2020 | By Edvard Csanyi
The essentials of electrical systems in cement plants
Many young engineers consider cement plants pretty complicated because of their weird technology. The reason probably lies in the fact that you cannot understand all those technologies unless you worked in such a plant and saw all processes from scratch…. Read more
Sep 14, 2020 | By Edvard Csanyi
How to convert an old substation into a digital substation?
Typically, substations comprise power elements like power transformers, switches, busbars, etc. and control elements like protection units, metering units, RTUs, SCADA, etc. While the power elements are mandatory requirements, the control elements vary as per the function of a substation…...
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Sep 07, 2020 | By Bishal Lamichhane
Protection impacts in the intentional islanding of Distributed Generation (DG)
Distributed Generation can potentially increase the distribution system reliability and provide additional technical and economical benefits by allowing intentional islanding or so called micro-grid operation of DGs. The current IEEE Standards (old IEEE 929 and new IEEE 1547) and UL… Read more
Sep 02, 2020 | By Edvard Csanyi