Mastering switchgear control circuits – AC/DC circuits and circuit breaker closing circuit
Control circuits are vital to the operation of medium voltage switchgear. The integrity of these control circuits is essential to the switchgear’s proper operation, so commissioning and maintenance activities records are extremely important for troubleshooting practices. Furthermore, one has to…...
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Nov 30, 2020 | By Salem Alshahrani

Your Cyber Monday in EEP! Save Big on Premium Membership and Video Courses
Hello, hope all is well with you! It’s our pleasure to share with you two Cyber Monday deals for our new electrical engineers, expiring on December 3rd: 20% on EEP Pro Premium Membership and 30% off on all courses and… Read more
Nov 26, 2020 | By Edvard Csanyi

The most used types of single-phase motors in the world
You should know that single-phase motors are rarely rated above 5 kW. Fractional-kilowatt motors, most of which are single-phase, account for 80−90% of the total number of motors manufactured and for 20−30% of the total commercial value. A typical modern… Read more
Nov 23, 2020 | By Edvard Csanyi

Learn how to draft the layout and arrangement drawing of 33/11 kV distribution substation
Medium voltage substations fall within the sub-transmission power system category, which feeds the bulk consumers directly or facilitates the secondary and tertiary distribution to small industrial and household consumers over an area after a suitable stepping down of voltage. Because…...
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Nov 17, 2020 | By Bishal Lamichhane

Improving the cybersecurity of substations using intrusion detection
Multiple layers are necessary to ensure the cybersecurity of substations. Cryptography allows authentication of devices, but not all attacks can be prevented with these measures. Firewalls and “air gaps” can be circumvented through existing remote access tunnels, or through maintenance… Read more
Nov 16, 2020 | By Andreas Klien

Ohmic relay applications for protecting power system, lines and generators
This class of relays was originally used to protect transmission lines and were believed to measure the distance from the relay location to a fault. Currently, several types are applied to power systems for protecting lines during faults, generators during… Read more
Nov 09, 2020 | By Edvard Csanyi

Mastering Motor Control Center (MCC): Wiring diagrams and equipment from zero to hero
Motor control center (MCC) was introduced back in 1937 to place different motor starters in one cabinet to save space. It is a modular cabinet that supplies and controls motors, which is usually a tailor-made assembly. Low-voltage MCCs can be…...
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Nov 02, 2020 | By Salem Alshahrani