Learn how to read and analyze control circuits of MV gas insulated switchgear (GIS)
Previously, an introductory part of the GIS and its components were discussed to pave the way for the GIS control circuits. Moreover, the single-line diagram example for a double-bus and a single breaker clarifies several concepts that are for the…...
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Jan 25, 2021 | By Salem Alshahrani
How to measure power quality? What devices should you use and what to measure?
Measuring power quality and finding a bugbear in the network which is messing with the power are considered a highly paid job. Every electrical network and its problems with harmonics, transients, or disturbances are unique and need careful planning, setting… Read more
Jan 18, 2021 | By Edvard Csanyi
Mastering GIS control circuits: AC/DC auxiliary circuits and circuit breaker closing circuit
A gas-insulated substation (GIS) is usually utilized in high voltage applications in which all conductive parts are encapsulated in sealed cylinders with SF6 as the insulating medium. The air-insulated substation (AIS), on the other hand, has air as an insulating…...
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Jan 11, 2021 | By Salem Alshahrani
Four ways of ensuring proper selectivity in MV/HV electrical network protection
Selectivity study of a power system is usually considered as an advanced job for advanced engineers, mostly relay protection engineers. This article will try to get close to a few important selectivity principles in a simple manner. It’s important to… Read more
Jan 04, 2021 | By Edvard Csanyi