MV/HV switchgear (circuit breaker) switching capability and suitability for specific applications
Circuit breakers (CBs) do interrupt fault currents and close onto faults. Besides, they could be used as isolation devices like disconnectors. The CBs manufacturers’ brochures and standards provide extensive data to select and assess the CBs performance, but designers must…...
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Jul 26, 2021 | By Salem Alshahrani

The magic that isolation transformer uses to suppress transients and noise
Transformers are not perfect. Transients and noise (radio-frequency and low-level spikes) normally pass through transformers, not only by way of the magnetic lines of flux between the primary and the secondary windings but through resistive and capacitive paths between the… Read more
Jul 21, 2021 | By Edvard Csanyi

Six methods to control the flow of harmonic currents and decrease harmonic distortion limits
The first technique to control harmonic-related problems in the industry involved substantial use of single-tuned filters to offer a low-impedance path to harmonic currents. Interestingly, it is not difficult to find harmonic-producing loads in the megavolt-ampere range in the industry… Read more
Jul 19, 2021 | By Edvard Csanyi

Load flow and short circuit analysis of a MV substation (case study 33/11 kV substation in ETAP)
Designing and operating a substation is a tiresome and challenging task, which requires hefty capital, a well-trained workforce, and lots of time. With the ever-expanding nature of electricity distribution, the MV/LV power distribution substations are mushrooming everywhere. Sometimes, they are…...
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Jul 12, 2021 | By Bishal Lamichhane

Uprating and expanding existing power substations (good practice and recommendations)
All actions involving substation construction require heavy planning. This is especially true of a program of substation uprating or expansion. The trend is toward the assessment of existing substations and individual equipment to develop a predictive maintenance and substation life…...
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Jul 05, 2021 | By Edvard Csanyi