Procedures and activities during the design and tendering phase of HV project engineering
Before getting into the project engineering phase, power system planning with the focus on basic design aspects of main power system components must be performed. Based on recommendations resulting from various studies, the project engineering phase, mainly covers the design,…...
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Sep 26, 2022 | By Edvard Csanyi

The art of a low voltage switchgear design: The case study and practical experience
LV panels are metal-enclosed switchgear that provides a three-phase power distribution to supply electric power at voltages up to 1000 volts, current up to 10000 amps, and a frequency of 50HZ or 60HZ. LV panels are always connected at the…...
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Sep 19, 2022 | By Mohammed Ayman

Top 20 recommended courses on EEP Academy for electrical engineers and students
Nowadays, it’s simpler than ever to learn and study. Since we launched the EEP Academy, thousands of electrical engineers, students, technicians, and many others have joined the ranks of those who are fervently seeking information and experience. The courses we… Read more
Sep 12, 2022 | By Edvard Csanyi

Instructions for making specifications and selecting the main components of an HV substation
From the point of making specification, high voltage substation is pretty complex. There are dozen of substation equipment that must be specified and selected out of hundreds of manufacturers. This article will help a little bit with some fundamental instructions…...
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Sep 05, 2022 | By Edvard Csanyi