Ezeala Winner
2 awesome technical articles
I'm an electrical and controls engineer with core strengths in electrical protection and PLC-based control systems. My excellent performance in design, commissioning, maintenance, and troubleshooting of HV/LV switchboard controls and power equipment positions me as a valuable asset to an industrial environment.
Ten most dangerous mistakes in the operation of low voltage switchgear (you should be aware of)
Low-voltage equipment is generally classified as any equipment that requires a rating of less or equal to 1000 volts to operate. With a majority of electrically driven equipment falling under this category in industrial environments, this technical article focuses on…...
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Dec 28, 2020 | By Ezeala Winner
My practical experience in the electrical protection system of industrial generators
A functional protection system installed, commissioned, and maintained on critical equipment like an industrial generator is of high importance. As such, every protection system must have the ability to: accurately detect, discriminate and isolate, and timely disconnect any fault. Each…...
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Good to know 💡 - Save 10% on PRO Membership plan with coupon DEC10.
Aug 03, 2020 | By Ezeala Winner