Marco Bruschini
2 awesome technical articles
Chartered engineer with +10y of experience in electrical rotating and static equipment engineering procurement and installation, for renewables (hydroelectric) and natural gas plants. industrial and O&G markets (onshore and offshore). Genuine interest for energy transition and electrification, with a focus on integration of new energy sources in national grid and digitalization of control system and plant automation, including remote diagnostic.
Electrical engineering for hydropower, from run-of-river to pumped storage plants
Nowadays, when we all see and feel the colossal crisis looming on the horizon, the question of energy security is among the first things on the table in each country’s management. It’s now essential more than ever for each country…...
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Jun 13, 2022 | By Marco Bruschini
My experience in the first synchronization of the MV generator in an industrial plant
Any power plant commissioning, from small industrial GTG (Gas-To-Gasoline) to nuclear facility, will converge to a very final step before (provisional) commercial operation, sometimes empathized as “first kW”: synchronization to the local or national grid. This is in fact a…...
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Sep 21, 2020 | By Marco Bruschini