Nicola Dieta
2 awesome technical articles
Electrical Engineer from Italy. Experience in power plants electrical systems, as technical coordinator. Now dealing with High Voltage systems.
Talking about HV shunt reactor switching (part 2)
Continued from first part: Talking About HV Shunt Reactor Switching (part 1) Scope (explained in previous part) Shunt reactors application (explained in previous part) Closing operation (explained in previous part) Opening operation Conclusions In the case of shunt reactors the… Read more
Jul 31, 2013 | By Nicola
Talking about HV shunt reactor switching (1)
These notes aim to give basic idea of the main criticalities related to HV shunt reactor switching, particularly in terms of voltage, and how such problems are faced and solved by modern switching technology. Content: Shunt reactors application Closing operation… Read more
Jul 29, 2013 | By Nicola