Rahmatullah Alam
3 awesome technical articles
Bachelors in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Electrical Items inspection. Extensively experienced in inspections, review of test plans, procedures, and standards requirements. A lifelong learner with a focus on in-depth learning and sharing knowledge gained during my professional career. The ultimate goal is to ensure the utmost level of quality standards, focus on implementing digitalization and optimization in the Electrical Engineering field.
Capacitor banks protection, cautions and maintenance tips
It would not be wrong to say that humanity has never consumed so much electricity, and to make the paradox bigger, there is still a lack of energy. The sharp increase in consumption in the last couple of decades has…...
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Apr 04, 2022 | By Rahmatullah Alam
Where and how to find the root cause of a power transformer failure (troubleshooting guide)
When Whatsapp, Facebook, or Gmail is down, it’s manageable, but if transformers fail, the entire business comes to a standstill. No-power-no-business transformers, as the heart of every substation, impact industries and affect the country’s economy and have social and political…...
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Dec 27, 2021 | By Rahmatullah Alam
Never let an electric motor drop dead. Learn how to listen and read the motor’s soul.
Like any other machine, electric motors are vulnerable to faults, which might lead to catastrophic failure of the machine in the long run if left unmonitored. In this technical article, I will try to shed some light on the possible…...
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Nov 29, 2021 | By Rahmatullah Alam