Power supply of luminaires with magnetic ballasts
Fluorescent tubes and discharge lamps require the intensity of the arc to be limited, and this function is fulfilled by a choke (or magnetic ballast) placed in series with the bulb itself (see fig. 5 ). This arrangement is most… Read more
May 07, 2011 | By Edvard Csanyi

Lighting quality, how to achieve?
Achieving the required illuminance level does not necessarily ensure good lighting quality. The quality as well as the quantity of illuminance is important to produce a comfortable, productive, aesthetically pleasing lighting environment. The quality of the lighting system refers, but… Read more
May 06, 2011 | By Edvard Csanyi

Lights up, the facts about lighting!
Illuminance is light falling on a surface measured in footcandles or lux. Distributed with an economic and visual plan, it becomes engineered lighting and, therefore, practical illumination. A lighting designer has four major objectives: Provide the visibility required based on… Read more
Mar 28, 2011 | By Edvard Csanyi

Dual nature of light
Light has intrigued humankind for centuries. The most ancient theories considered light as something emitted by the human eye. Later on, it was understood that light should come from the objects seen and that it entered the eye producing the… Read more
Mar 24, 2011 | By Edvard Csanyi

Colour classification and temperature
Colour is a subjective psycho physiologic interpretation of the visible electromagnetic spectrum. Luminous sensations or images, produced in our retina, are sent to the brain and interpreted as a set of monochromatic sensations which constitute the colour of the light…. Read more
Mar 22, 2011 | By Edvard Csanyi

What Light Source To Choose?
One of the first decisions in the design of a good lighting system is the choice of a light source. A number of light sources are available, each with its own unique combination of operating characteristics. A few of the… Read more
Feb 17, 2011 | By Edvard Csanyi

What is the vertical illuminance?
Vertical illuminance is a component of lighting design that is vitally important to architecture. Its primary purpose is to make spatial proportions and spatial limits visible. The opposite is the conventional horizontal illuminance, which is frequently the result of a… Read more
Feb 11, 2011 | By Edvard Csanyi

Energy Efficency In Hospitals – Lighting (part 5)
Lighting is one of the large energy consumers in hospitals, just as in many other kinds of utility buildings. Various studies have shown that some 20% of the total energy consumption in a hospital is accounted for by the lighting… Read more
Dec 30, 2010 | By Edvard Csanyi

Distribution Of Energy For Lighting – History
Edison planned his first installation for New York City, and decided that an underground system of distribution would be necessary. This took the form of a network supplied by feeders radiating ftom a centrally located degenerating station to various feed… Read more
Dec 24, 2010 | By Edvard Csanyi

Emergency lights
Indepandant emergency supply Many buildings must have some form of emergency lighting to come on if the electric supply to the ordinary lights fails. BS 5266: Emergency lighting, BS EN 1838, BS 5266–7: Lighting applications. Emergency lighting are the codes… Read more
Nov 10, 2010 | By Edvard Csanyi