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Home / Technical Articles / Commissioning of HV Panel – Operational and Functional Checkup

Main Objective of Commissioning

The main objective of the test is to check the proper operation function of the circuit breaker; in this test we do the following:

Commissioning of HV Panel - Operational and Functional Checkup
Commissioning of HV Panel – Operational and Functional Checkup (on photo: Construction of New 132/13.8Kv Substation at Al Rabiah Area; credit:

A. Close Operation Test – Local—Remote

This test is conducted by manual, Local and Remote.

For the manual Operation test, we will charge the spring manual and breaker is also closed my manual and opening also done. For the Local operation we give Control supply and A.C supply for spring charge motor.

We close the Circuit Breaker using the TNC (Trip Neutral Control) switch.

We observe for the closing coil function and spring charging of motor operation. For remote operating is the site is ready (such as plc or BMS) then remote operation is done using the remote system.

If its site is not ready for this, we provide a local signal to the remote terminal and observe the operation of breaker.

B. Trip Operation Test – Local-Remote

This test is conducted by manual, Local and Remote. For the manual Operation test, The manually charged breaker is opened using the Trip switch.. For the Local operation we give Control supply and A.C supply for spring charge motor. We open the Breaker using the TNC switch.

We observe for the tripping coil function. For remote operating is the site is ready (such as plc or BMS) then remote operation is done using the remote system.

If its site is not ready for this, we provide a local signal to the remote terminal and observe the operation of breaker.

C. Protection Trip

For this test the breaker has in closed position at initially. We provide an auxiliary rated voltage to Master trip relay, and observe the opening of the breaker and the position of the trip coil.

Functional Check

1. Emergency Trip

For this test the breaker has to be in charged or ON position, we operate the emergency push button. We observe the operation of circuit breaker opening.

2. Aux. Switch Operation

When the breaker is in open condition we check the Aux. contact of the breaker using continuity tester, to conform the contact is in NO /NC. Then we close the Circuit Breaker and check the same contact with continuity tester, to conform the contact is in NC /NO.

3. On-Off Indications (Lamp + Flag)

When the breaker is in open condition we check the Lamp + Flag of the relay. Then we close the Circuit Breaker and check the same Lamp operation.

4. Trip / Trip circuit healthy Lamp Indication

The relay is operated and we observer the Trip lamp indication.

5. Limit Switch for spring charge motor

On this test we observe the operation of the limit switch of the spring charging motor.

We give an A.C power to motor and observer the operation of motor and charging of spring, on the indication of fully charged spring the motor operation has to get stopped.

6. Test / Service Limit Switch

This test is conducted to check the Test / Service Limit Switch Operation. During rack out the Breaker we obverse the indicator to change to test position and during rack in the breaker we obverse the indicator to change to service.

7. Operation Counter

This test is conducted if operational counter provision is available in breaker. We operated the breaker and look for the change in counter for counting the operation.

8. Heater / Heater Switch / Thermostat

The control A.C supply is given for heater and we look for heater operation.

9. Function of illumination and socket switch

In this test we look for the panel internal illumination and socket switch operation. We operate the limit switch manually and observe the operation of illumination circuit.

Reference: Commissioning of HT electrical system – Sterling & Wilson Ltd.

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More Information
Edvard Csanyi - Author at EEP-Electrical Engineering Portal

Edvard Csanyi

Hi, I'm an electrical engineer, programmer and founder of EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal. I worked twelve years at Schneider Electric in the position of technical support for low- and medium-voltage projects and the design of busbar trunking systems.

I'm highly specialized in the design of LV/MV switchgear and low-voltage, high-power busbar trunking (<6300A) in substations, commercial buildings and industry facilities. I'm also a professional in AutoCAD programming.

Profile: Edvard Csanyi


    Feb 16, 2020

    Dear sir
    I want to know about pre commissioning of electrical equipment like HT/LT = motor circuit breaker transformer generator panel board
    lightning system protective relay switch gear testing of HT/LT cable and 132/33 kv yard

  2. engr sajid bashir
    Jul 25, 2017

    1- Relay installed on 11KV Circuit Breaker is
    a) Current operated
    b) Voltage operated

      Sep 28, 2019

      current operated

  3. Engr. Md. Rana
    Jun 10, 2016

    One sf6 breaker gas pressure low and C.B Blocking alarm appeared in annunciator.. in this situation can possible to breaker operation with by pass . is it safety procedure. let give me suggest

  4. asad
    Jun 17, 2015

    Dear sir ,
    as we are facing problem of tnc switch that sometime it does not operate whenever auto changeover took place.
    Do you have some other tnc switch based on plc logic and how it work on it and what changes have to be made with traditional one.

  5. p.prabhaharan
    Jun 09, 2015

    I may gathered a lot…. Its very usefull for us….

  6. Abdul-Alim Anibaba
    Aug 21, 2014


  7. Manirul
    Dec 26, 2013

    when breaker is in operation, we will keep the switch in Close position. Now if any external fault occur whose NC contact is in trip circuit, how breaker will trip as switch is in close position?

    please elaborate function of TNC switch along with breaker, it will be great help

    • Manoj
      Mar 20, 2014

      Dear Manirul,

      Your answer is “ANTIPUMPING RELAY”, it is a specially designed relay for the protection of closing coil to preventing contionous supply to it, as its NO is taken in closing ckt.
      so,after once you given a close command through TNC switch,it does’nt matter if you’re holding the switch continously, the bkr will trip if a fault occurs.

  8. pusparanjan
    Dec 09, 2013

    Nice informative website….

  9. sobi
    Aug 22, 2013

    how to read relay installation pannel.i need ref books,

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