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Home / Download Center / Electrical Engineering Books and Technical Guides / Electrical engineering guides / Photovoltaic power systems and NEC suggested practices

Installation practices

The recommended installation practices contained in this guide progress from the photovoltaic modules to the electrical outlets (in a stand-alone system) or to the utility interconnection (in a utility-interactive system).

Photovoltaic power systems and NEC suggested practices
Photovoltaic power systems and NEC suggested practices

For each component, NEC requirements are addressed, with the appropriate Code sections referenced in brackets.

A sentence, phrase, or paragraph followed by a NEC reference refers to a requirement established by the NEC. The words “will,” “shall,” or “must” also refer to NEC requirements. Suggestions based on field experience with PV systems are worded as such and will use the word “should.”

The recommendations apply to the use of listed products. The word “Code” in this document refers to the 2005 NEC. In some places references will also be made to Article 690 from the 2002 NEC that have been significantly changed in the 2005 NEC.

In recent times, monetary incentives have resulted in large numbers of utility-interactive PV systems being installed. While most of these systems are purely grid-tied, many have batteries included to provide energy during blackouts, and some even include generators. With these added features, there are many similarities between the code requirements for utility-interactive systems and stand-alone systems.

In this suggested practices manual, the code requirements are addressed at the component level and at the interconnection level between components. Where unique requirements apply, they are addressed as they relate to a particular system. Appendices provide additional details.

Title:Photovoltaic power systems and NEC 2005 suggested practices By John Wiles (Southwest Technology Development Institute)
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Photovoltaic power systems and NEC 2005 suggested practices By John Wiles (Southwest Technology Development Institute)
Photovoltaic power systems and NEC 2005 suggested practices By John Wiles (Southwest Technology Development Institute)

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  1. Cesar Robelo
    Nov 21, 2023

    Where I can read the guide???

  2. ezzo abbas
    May 15, 2018

    I need case studies for large scale grid connected PV systems. –exampl

  3. Piter
    May 13, 2017

    The file us missing, can you add it again

    • Edvard
      May 13, 2017

      Thanks for notice, I’ll fixed it in a minute.

    • Edvard
      May 13, 2017

      It’s fixed.

  4. Kamal Geagea
    Oct 22, 2014

    I need case studies for large scale grid connected PV systems. In addition, is there any guidance or code requirement whether the grid connection will be at LV level, MV level,etc…
    Your feedback on this issue is highly appreciated.

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