Application Guide
Released by SOCOMEC, this is very comprehensive application guide, applicable for low voltage applications for power, control, safety and energy efficiency.

Guide contains 18 nicely divided sections:
- Low Voltage distribution
Earthing arrangements, voltages, overvoltages, mains quality, external influences etc. - Overload currents
Protection of wiring systems against overloads, using gG fuses etc. - Short circuit currents
Calculating an LV installation, protection of wiring systems, fuse protection of wiring systems etc. - Direct and indirect contact
Fuse protection against indirect contact etc. - Voltage drops
Calculating voltage drop for cable with length, etc. - Switching and isolating devices
Installation standards IEC 60364 or NF C 15100, etc. - UL and NEMA specifications
General information about motor protection, etc. - Fuse protection
Short-circuit current cut-off, choosing “gG” and “aM” fuses, etc. - Control and energy management
Tariff meter, measurement of electric variables, energy metering, etc. - Industrial communication networks
Analogue mand digital communication, JBUS / MODBUS protocols, RS485 Bus, PROFIBUS protocol - Electrical measurement
Ferro-magnetic equipment, use of voltage transformers, power converter, copper cable losses, etc. - Digital protection of networks
Protection relays and their functions, time-dependent tripping curves, neutral and earth-fault protection etc. - Differential protection
General points, definitions, applications and implementation - Overvoltage limitor
Current limiting inductors, effective protective level ensured by an overvoltage limitor etc. - Surge Protective Devices (SPD)
Protection against transient overvoltages, main characteristics of SPD’s, choosing and installing primary SPD’s, etc. - Reactive energy compensation
Calculating capacitor power, choosing compensation for a fixed load, etc. - Enclosures
Thermal effects and calculation of enclosures, choosing the air conditioning - Busbars
Choosing busbar material, thermal effects of short circuit, electrochemical coupling
Title: | Application Guide // Solutions for Power, Control, Safety and Energy Efficiency – SOCOMEC |
Format: | |
Size: | 10.52 MB |
Pages: | 116 |
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Every day iam Reading your article Its nice
But still you ar not covered system study like harmonic, load flow study , Insulation coordination study &
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