A Note on Excel Programs Containing Macros
Most of the programs available with HVAC Simplified (ASHRAE, 2006) and from the geokiss.com website contain MS Visual Basic macros to perform the more complex calculations. Since macros from unfamiliar sources may contain viruses, the default MS Excel security level is set at “High”. For Office 2003 and earlier products, the user must set the security level to “Medium” or “Low” for the programs to operate. In some networks, resetting the security levels must be performed by the Network Manger.
To reset the security level for Excel 2003 and earlier versions,
- If the program containing the macros is open, close it and exit Excel.
- Re-open Excel, click on “Tools” on the main tool bar, select “Macro”, select “Security.”
- Reset security level to Medium (recommended) or Low
- Exit Excel
- Re-open Excel
- Run program
For 2007 Office products, the terminology “trust” has replaced “security” and the procedure has been changed (as you might expect). To change the “trust” settings:
- Open Excel
- Click the Office Button (top left corner of screen)
- Click on “Excel Options” button @ the bottom of the pop-up window
- Click on “Trust Center”
- Click on “Trust Center Settings”
- Click on “โ Enable all macros..”
- Open and Run the programs
- An option would be to reset the trust setting by repeating steps 1 thru 5 and,
- Click on “โ Disable macros with notification”