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Relays should be stored in a clean area within the specified temperature limits. Extreme humidity and condensation can cause corrosion of the metal parts on the inside as well as the outside ofthe relay. Increasing contact resistance, with time, due to the formation of oxides and other layers is to be expected for most contact materials.

This degradation is dependant on the ambient atmosphere and is more rapid at high temperatures. Special care has to be taken if relays are tested or used with low contact loads after being stored for prolonged periods. Deterioration of contact resistance during storage is reduced in the case of plastic or hermetically sealed relays.


In transit, care has to be taken to avoid excessive shock and vibration. Mechanical stress can lead to changes in operating characteristics or to intemal damage of the relay (see vibration and shock resistance). If mechanical stress is suspected. the relay should be checked and tested before use.


Different packaging is used depending on the relay type and with regard to any specific requirements during shipment or production. Environmental awareness is leading to new developments in packaging technology. replacing PVC and foam products with recyclable materials.

Production handling

Modern relays are high precision components which are sensitive to mechanical stress and abusive handling. Care must be taken when handling the relay during all stages of production.


During incoming inspection, special care has to be taken not to bend the relay terminals. internal failure (e.g. breaking of coil wires) or the degradation of sealing properties could be the consequence.

Title:Handling and Use in Production
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