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Product quality is judged according to criteria such as reliability, design. life expectancy etc. Certain quality parameters such as AQL, failure rate, and failure probability are applied to obtain an otjective assessment of quality. Interpreted broadly, however, quality encompasses everything from product design to applications advice. ln short. a quality product is one which operates without problems.

Relay quality is govemed by many parameters. Both the manufacturer and customer have an important influence on the quality and reliability of the component in use.

The manufacturer is responsible for providing a high quality product by: product concept, optimal design, manufacture, storage and transport. The customer is responsible for selecting a suitable product and using it within its

ISO 9000

ISO 9000-9004 are quality monitoring and management standards recognised in most industrialized countries. To achieve certification to these standards, a supplier has to fulfil a range of criteria involving almost all departments. such as R&D, design, purchase, production, sales, marketing and service, implementing defined policies and procedures.

These standards give many advantages to customers including the elimination of time consuming and costly quality audits leading to quicker product introduction. The supplier is also able to provide any necessary quality documentation.

Quality Assurance policies and procedures are documented in a quality manual. The eifectiveness ofthe system is checked continuously by intemal audits.

Title:Quality Aspects
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One Comment

  1. jaymin panchal
    Jul 23, 2013

    we want a distance protection relay calculation and formula s

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