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Protection plan

The protection of electrical networks requires the use of numerous and varied techniques. These are organized into a “protection plan“ which requires the know-how of a specialist.

To accomplish such a task, it is necessary to he familiar with the regulations and standards and to be able to satisfy often contradictory technical and financial concerns. The speciaiist must meet the needs of the operator in terms ot safety and availability ot the electrical energy.

Achieving the required dependabitity depends largely on the selectivity of the protective devices. This specification sheet gives a simple explanation of protection and selectivity techniques with the intention of providing non-specialists with the means of dialoguing with the designer of a medium voltage installation. The more knowledgeable reader can go straight to chapter two; the specialist to chapter three.

AUTHOR: Schneider Electric expert | Andre SASTRE

Title:Protection of industrial and tertiary MV networks
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Protection of industrial and tertiary MV networks

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  1. janhendrik
    Aug 06, 2013


    Here is a link to a better quality copy of the file. Hope it helps.


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