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CO2 Savings Calculator
CO2 Savings Calculator

Switching off the lights

The emissions and cost savings achieved by switching off lights is substantial. Use the spreadsheet to calculate the savings when lighting is turned off.

Spreadsheet is pretty easy to use, blue-text cells can be modified by user, and green-text cells represent the result.

Software:CO2 Savings Calculator
Developer:Blakley Electrics
Size:160 Kb
Download:Right here | Video Courses | Membership | Download Updates
CO2 Savings Calculator
CO2 Savings Calculator

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  1. dharmveer singh
    Aug 03, 2023

    help me out to download excell this

  2. Jordan Mpe
    Jun 11, 2021

    A very useful site that I use as a tool for most of my projects and to just keep updated with what’s happening in the world of Electrical Engineering. I like the fact that there is information about cybersecurity now.

  3. Abhishek
    Aug 23, 2019

    What is the relation between tonnes of CO2 saved and kWh in the CO2-savings calculator sheet?

  4. hussain
    May 22, 2018


    Could you tell me how to calculate circuit breaker and wiring size? if have excel sheet kindly post here

  5. Luiz
    Jul 01, 2016

    This is one of the most useful sites i have stumbled upon as an Engineer. Thank you

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