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Electrical Pole's Trasverse Load Calculation Spreadsheet
Electrical Pole’s Trasverse Load Calculation Spreadsheet


Transverse loads are forces acting upon pole line. Function of electrical pole is that of a cantilever beam rather than of a column.

External forces are due to dead, ice and wind loads, which with the exception of the pressure on the pole must be transmitted to the pole by the wires. The weight of the wires and their coating of sleet, together with the weight of crossarms, insulators and the pole itself is a vertical load which the pole carries as a column.

The pressure of the wind on the wires, whose diameter is increased by the sleet, and upon the pole structure, is assumed as acting horizontally and at a right angle with the line, and therefore its effect is much greater than the effect of the vertical forces.

When poles are closely spaced there is undoubtedly some sideguying effect due to lateral restraint from the wires. That is, when one pole is subjected to a severe gust of wind, the neighboring poles will be brought into action, to a limited extent, by the wires spreading out some of the load to adjacent poles.


This spreadsheet calculates following parameters of pole:

  1. Wind Load on Conductor/Span
  2. Total Bending Movement at Ground Level due to Wind Load on All Conductor
  3. Equivalent Safe Working Load at said Meter from TOP of The Pole corresponding to Wind Load on All Conductors
  4. Wind Load on Pole Surface above Ground Level
  5. Centre of Gravity of Tapering rectangular section of Pole
  6. Bending Movement at Ground Level due to Wind Load on Pole
  7. Equivalent Safe Working Load at said meter from Top of The Pole corresponding to Wind Load on Pole
  8. Total Tansverse Load at said meter from Top of The Pole (Due to wind Load on Conductors + Wind Load on Pole Surface)
  9. Total Transverse Load (Crippling Load) Capacity of Pole
  10. Selection of Pole
Software:Electrical Pole’s Trasverse Load Calculation
Version:22.08.2012 New
Developer:Jignesh Parmar
Size:64.5 Kb
Download:Right here | Video Courses | Membership | Download Updates
Calculation of Crippling (Ultimate Transverse ) Load on Pole
Calculation of Crippling (Ultimate Transverse ) Load on Pole

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  1. Jorge Cáceres
    Sep 30, 2022

    El la hoja excel parece haber un error en el referenciamiento de las dimensiones superior e inferior del poste.Es como si estuvieran invertidas para el cáculo de la altura del centro de gravedad y tambien hay error para el àrea expuesta del polo.

    Sería bueno si verifican y corrigen, pues el error porcentual podría ser significativo

  2. Joseph Auo
    Jan 12, 2020

    Great Excel calculation sheet but do we have another Excel sheet for calculating Sags for conductors

  3. aissatou sylla
    Mar 08, 2019

    Very useful and informative. Thanks

    Feb 02, 2019

    please i need you to put me throw on how to design a simple concrete pole 8.5 meter height

  5. abdul monem
    Nov 26, 2016

    these sheets are very impressive and informative.
    but how i can access them without password….???
    if these files are purchasable, then give information
    about payment methods please…..these files are my pressing need

  6. Abdullah
    Jan 21, 2016

    Can someone explain what does Pole Section on Top (Length X Width )mm refer too?

  7. Rupert
    Sep 07, 2015

    Pls what’s the password for the spreadsheet? Can u give me a list in materials involve when installing 74 xformers on a 10.7km. I will appreciate your response

  8. Karla Kingsley
    Nov 21, 2014

    Dear Mrs.,

    Through this letter, we are writing you, in order to make a formal request for budget and specifications about the following ítems:

    1 – Poste Tubular de acero 8.23 m e.c. 116 kg. (27 pies – liviano). Cant. 118 Und.
    2 – Poste tubular de acero 11,28 m, e.c. = 211 kg (37 pies – liviano). Cant. 300 Und.
    3 – Poste tubular de acero 12.20 m, e.c. = 282 kg (40 pies – liviano). Cant. 500 Und.
    4 – Poste tubular de acero 13,72 m, e.c. = 250 kg (45 pies – liviano). Cant. 105 Und.


    Karla Kingsley
    Procurement Deparment
    Elure, CO

  9. NI3_TIDKE
    Nov 15, 2013

    power transmission voltage level is for single phase or three phase??
    coz it tells for 33kv ,18MW, voltage level shall be 72kv
    but we can transfer power with 33kv with three phase using panther conductor…
    please suggest.

  10. salim
    Oct 19, 2013

    thanks alot

  11. MILAD3118
    Sep 29, 2013




  12. makoy
    Apr 02, 2013

    where did you get the factor of safety? any reference?

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