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Home / Technical Articles / Working Principle of Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) and Residual Current Device (RCD)

Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)

The operation of an earth leakage circuit breaker (or shorten ELCB) is based on the fact that the algebraic sum of the currents in any healthy single phase, three phase and three phase and neutral system is zero. This simply means that in a single phase system the current flowing in the line conductor is equal and opposite to the current in the neutral conductor, and in a three phase system the vectorial current in one line is equal and opposite to the vectorial sum of the currents in the other two lines.

Schneider Electric RCBO
Working Principle of Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) and Residual Current Device (RCD)

The same applies in three phase and neutral systems. If these conductors are passed through a core balance transformer, and the circuit is healthy, no excitation of the transformer results.

However, if an earth fault occurs in the system, the earth current returns to the earth connection on the supply transformer via, an earth conductor or general earth. Since these conductors are external to the core balance transformer, the currents passing through the core balance transformer are no longer balanced, and an EMF is induced into the secondary winding of the core balance transformer.

If the secondary winding is connected to a relay, the voltage induced is applied across the terminals of the relay and if of sufficient value will cause the relay to operate. This is the principle on which current balance earth leakage circuit breakers operate.

Requirements for Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker

Requirement #1

On systems where conductivity of the earth connections are poor, as is sometimes the case in rural areas (but in urban areas too!), there is always a risk of fire damage resulting from an earth fault. This is so because, if the high impedance of the earth conductor limits the fault current to a value below the fusing value of the main fuse, no means of isolating the fault exists. The longer this fault current continues to flow the higher is the risk of a fire.

In situations such as this the use of an earth leakage circuit breaker is necessary to isolate the supply immediately an earth fault occurs.

On systems where the maximum earth loop impedance is less than 133 ohms a circuit breaker with a tripping sensitivity of 300m A. Where the earth loop impedance is greater than 133 ohms, but less than 400 ohms, a breaker with a sensitivity of 100mA would be suitable, and on systems where the earth loop impedance is greater than 400 ohms, but less than 1,333 ohms a circuit breaker having a sensitivity of 30 mA would be appropriate. Compliance with the above recommendations will conform to the requirement that a maximum of 40 volts, frame to earth, is allowable in the event of a fault between a live line and exposed metalwork.

Of course, it is always possible to use an earth leakage circuit breaker with the lowest tripping value available irrespective of earth loop impedance. It would certainly trip on lower values of earth fault current and could reduce the possible framework-to-earth voltage to less than 40 volts.

However, consideration should be given to the extent of the network protected and the natural leakage to earth of the system or nuisance tripping may occur.

Figure 1 – Schematics of an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)

Schematics of an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)
Figure 1 – Schematics of an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)

Requirement #2

There are installations where conditions are such that the possibility of a person receiving an electric shock are higher than normal. For example, any portable equipment has a risk higher than fixed installations for two reasons.

Firstly, the fact that the equipment, be it a drill or an electric iron, is constantly subjected to movement there is a danger that the earth connection could become loose or the earth conductor in the cable, which is also subjected to movement, could be broken.

Secondly, because the cable is being constantly moved about there is a danger that damage could result which would expose a live conductor. A perfect example of this is the flex on an electric iron. It is quite common to see one that is frayed, caused by the movement of the iron.

In the case of a portable piece of equipment, that for one reason or another has become disconnected from earth, should an earth fault occur on that equipment the enclosure could be raised to line voltage. Obviously if it is touched by a person who is in contact with earth they will receive an electric shock. The same applies to a person who comes into contact with a live conductor as could happen where the cable is damaged.

In cases as described above the value of the current flowing through the body is entirely dependent upon the voltage of the system and the impedance of the body and earth connections. In general it can be assumed that on a 240 volt system the value of this current can approximate 200 mA. A current of this magnitude would not normally be sufficient to “blow” a fuse of the rating generally used to protect power circuits, and if allowed to flow through a human body over a specific period of time, it could result in death.

The objective in cases as described above must be to have an earth leakage circuit breaker protecting the system which will operate at a level of trip current and have a cut-off time that are considered safe.

How Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker works?

Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is a device used to directly detect currents leaking to earth from an installation and cut the power and mainly used in TT earthing systems.

There are two types of ELCBs:

  1. Voltage Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (voltage-ELCB)
  2. Current Earth Leakage Current Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (Current-ELCB).

Figure 2 – 4-pole earth leakage circuit breaker, 63A

4-pole mini type earth leakage circuit breaker, 63A
Figure 2 – 4-pole earth leakage circuit breaker, 63A

An Voltage-ELCBs were first introduced about sixty years ago and Current-ELCB was first introduced about forty years ago. For many years, the voltage operated ELCB and the differential current operated ELCB were both referred to as ELCBs because it was a simpler name to remember. But the use of a common name for two different devices gave rise to considerable confusion in the electrical industry.

If the wrong type was used on an installation, the level of protection given could be substantially less than that intended.

To ignore this confusion, IEC decided to apply the term Residual Current Device (RCD) to differential current operated ELCBs. Residual current refers to any current over and above the load current.

Voltage-Based ELCB

Voltage-based earth leakage circuit breaker is a voltage operated circuit breaker. The device will function when the Current passes through the ELCB. Voltage-ELCB contains relay Coil which it being connected to the metallic load body at one end and it is connected to ground wire at the other end.

If the voltage of the Equipment body is rise (by touching phase to metal part or failure of insulation of equipment) which could cause the difference between earth and load body voltage, the danger of electric shock will occur. This voltage difference will produce an electric current from the load metallic body passes the relay loop and to earth.

When voltage on the equipment metallic body rose to the danger level which exceed to 50Volt, the flowing current through relay loop could move the relay contact by disconnecting the supply current to avoid from any danger electric shock.

The ELCB detects fault currents from live to the earth (ground) wire within the installation it protects. If sufficient voltage appears across the ELCB’s sense coil, it will switch off the power, and remain off until manually reset. A voltage-sensing ELCB does not sense fault currents from live to any other earthed body.

Figure 3 – Voltage Base ELCB

Voltage Base ELCB
Figure 3 – Voltage-Base ELCB

These ELCBs monitored the voltage on the earth wire, and disconnected the supply if the earth wire voltage was over 50 volts.

These devices are no longer used due to its drawbacks like if the fault is between live and a circuit earth, they will disconnect the supply. However, if the fault is between live and some other earth (such as a person or a metal water pipe), they will NOT disconnect, as the voltage on the circuit earth will not change. Even if the fault is between live and a circuit earth, parallel earth paths created via gas or water pipes can result in the ELCB being bypassed.

Most of the fault current will flow via the gas or water pipes, since a single earth stake will inevitably have a much higher impedance than hundreds of meters of metal service pipes buried in the ground. The way to identify an ELCB is by looking for green or green and yellow earth wires entering the device. They rely on voltage returning to the trip via the earth wire during a fault and afford only limited protection to the installation and no personal protection at all.

You should use plug in 30mA RCD’s for any appliances and extension leads that may be used outside as a minimum.

 Advantages of ELCB

  • ELCBs have one advantage over RCDs: they are less sensitive to fault conditions, and therefore have fewer nuisance trips.
  • While voltage and current on the earth line is usually fault current from a live wire, this is not always the case, thus there are situations in which an ELCB can nuisance trip.
  • When an installation has two connections to earth, a nearby high current lightning strike will cause a voltage gradient in the soil, presenting the ELCB sense coil with enough voltage to cause it to trip.
  • If the installation’s earth rod is placed close to the earth rod of a neighboring building, a high earth leakage current in the other building can raise the local ground potential and cause a voltage difference across the two earths, again tripping the ELCB.
  • If there is an accumulated or burden of currents caused by items with lowered insulation resistance due to older equipment, or with heating elements, or rain conditions can cause the insulation resistance to lower due to moisture tracking. If there is a some mA which is equal to ELCB rating than ELCB may give nuisance Tripping.
  • If either of the earth wires become disconnected from the ELCB, it will no longer trip or the installation will often no longer be properly earthed.
  • Some ELCBs do not respond to rectified fault current.
    This issue is common for ELCBs and RCDs, but ELCBs are on average much older than RCB, so an old ELCB is more likely to have some uncommon fault current waveform that it will not respond to.
  • Voltage-operated ELCB are the requirement for a second connection, and the possibility that any additional connection to earth on the protected system can disable the detector.
  • Nuisance tripping especially during thunderstorms.

Watch Video – Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) -Definition, Working, Uses, Diagram

Disadvantages of ELCB

  • They do not detect faults that don’t pass current through the CPC to the earth rod.
  • They do not allow a single building system to be easily split into multiple sections with independent fault protection, because earthing systems are usually use common earth Rod.
  • They may be tripped by external voltages from something connected to the earthing system such as metal pipes, a TN-S earth or a TN-C-S combined neutral and earth.
  • As electrically leaky appliances such as some water heaters, washing machines and cookers may cause the ELCB to trip.
  • ELCBs introduce additional resistance and an additional point of failure into the earthing system.
Can we assume whether Our Electrical System is protected against Earth Protection or not by only Pressing ELCB Test Switch?

Checking the health of the ELCB is simple and you can do it easily by pressing TEST Push Button Switch of ELCB. The test push-button will test whether the ELCB unit is working properly or not. Can we assume that If ELCB is Trip after Pressing TEST Switch of ELCB than your system is protected against earth protection? Then you are wrong.

The test facility provided on the home ELCB will only confirm the health of the ELCB unit, but that test does not confirm that the ELCB will trip when an electric shock hazard does occur. It is a really sad fact that all the while this misunderstanding has left many homes totally unprotected from the risk of electric shocks.

This brings us or alarming us to think over second basic requirement for earth protection. The second requirement for the proper operation of a home shock protection system is electrical grounding.

We can assume that the ELCB is the brain for the shock protection, and the grounding as the backbone. Therefore, without a functional grounding (Proper Earthing of Electrical System) there is totally no protection against electrical shocks in your house even if  You have installed ELCB and its TEST switch show proper result. Looking after the ELCB alone is not enough. The electrical Earthing system must also be in good working order for the shock protection system to work.

In addition to routine inspections that should be done by the qualified electrician, this grounding should preferably be inspected regularly at shorter intervals by the homeowner and need to pour Water in Earthing Pit at Regular interval of Time to minimize Earth Resistance.

Current-operated ELCB (RCD)

Current-operated ELCBs are generally known as Residual-current devices (RCD). These also protect against earth leakage. Both circuit conductors (supply and return) are run through a sensing coil; any imbalance of the currents means the magnetic field does not perfectly cancel. The device detects the imbalance and trips the contact.

When the term ELCB is used it usually means a voltage-operated device. Similar devices that are current operated are called residual-current devices. However, some companies use the term ELCB to distinguish high sensitivity current operated 3 phase devices that trip in the milliamp range from traditional 3 phase ground fault devices that operate at much higher currents.

Figure 4 – Residual current device (RCD)

Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB)
Figure 4 – Residual current device (RCD)

Typical RCD circuit:

The supply coil, the neutral coil and the search coil all wound on a common transformer core. On a healthy circuit the same current passes through the phase coil, the load and return back through the neutral coil. Both the phase and the neutral coils are wound in such a way that they will produce an opposing magnetic flux. With the same current passing through both coils, their magnetic effect will cancel out under a healthy circuit condition.

In a situation when there is fault or a leakage to earth in the load circuit, or anywhere between the load circuit and the output connection of the RCB circuit, the current returning through the neutral coil has been reduced. Then the magnetic flux inside the transformer core is not balanced anymore. The total sum of the opposing magnetic flux is no longer zero. This net remaining flux is what we call a residual flux.

The periodically changing residual flux inside the transformer core crosses path with the winding of the search coil. This action produces an electromotive force (e.m.f.) across the search coil. An electromotive force is actually an alternating voltage. The induced voltage across the search coil produces a current inside the wiring of the trip circuit. It is this current that operates the trip coil of the circuit breaker.

Since the trip current is driven by the residual magnetic flux (the resulting flux, the net effect between both fluxes) between the phase and the neutral coils, it is called the residual current device, or shorten RCD.

Figure 5 – Typical RCD circuit

Typical RCB circuit
Figure 5 – Typical RCD circuit

With a circuit breaker incorporated as part of the circuit, the assembled system is called residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) or residual current devise (RCD). The incoming current has to pass through the circuit breaker first before going to the phase coil. The return neutral path passes through the second circuit breaker pole. During tripping when a fault is detected, both the phase and neutral connection is isolated.

  • RCD sensitivity is expressed as the rated residual operating current, noted IΔn. Preferred values have been defined by the IEC, thus making it possible to divide RCDs into three groups according to their IΔn value.
  • High sensitivity (HS): 6- 10- 30 mA (for direct-contact / life injury protection)
  • Standard IEC 60755 (General requirements for residual current operated protective devices) defines three types of RCD depending on the characteristics of the fault current.
  • Type AC: RCD for which tripping is ensured for residual sinusoidal alternating currents

Sensitivity of RCB:

  • Medium sensitivity (MS): 100- 300- 500- 1000 mA (for fire protection)
  • Low sensitivity (LS): 3- 10- 30 A (typically for protection of machine)

Types of RCB:

Type A: RCD for which tripping is ensured

  • for residual sinusoidal alternating currents
  • for residual pulsating direct currents
  • For residual pulsating direct currents superimposed by a smooth direct current of 0.006 A, with or without phase-angle control, independent of the polarity.

Type B: RCD for which tripping is ensured

  • same as for type A
  • for residual sinusoidal currents up to 1000 Hz
  • for residual sinusoidal currents superposed by a pure direct current
  • for pulsating direct currents superposed by a pure direct current
  • for residual currents which may result from rectifying circuits
    • three pulse star connection or six pulse bridge connection
    • two pulse bridge connection line-to-line with or without phase-angle monitoring, independently of the polarity

There are two groups of devices:

Break time of RCB:

1. G (general use) for instantaneous RCDs (i.e. without a time delay)

  • Minimum break time: immediate
  • Maximum break time: 200 ms for 1x IΔn, 150 ms for 2x IΔn, and 40 ms for 5x IΔn

2. S (selective) or T (time delayed) for RCDs with a short time delay (typically used in circuits containing surge suppressors)

  • Minimum break time: 130 ms for 1x IΔn, 60 ms for 2x IΔn, and 50 ms for 5x IΔn
  • Maximum break time: 500 ms for 1x IΔn, 200 ms for 2x IΔn, and 150 ms for 5x IΔn

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More Information
Jignesh Parmar - Author at EEP-Electrical Engineering Portal

Jignesh Parmar

Electrical Middle management professional having more than 22 years rich and dynamic experience in Project Execution / Project Management / Designing / Maintenance diversifies from Electrical Power Transmission (400KV/220KV/66KV)- Distribution(11KV/220V) to Lifts-HVAC-Ventilation-Fire Fighting-Fire Alarm-Lifts-CCTV-Stack Parking Works (High Rise Buildings, Townships, Shopping Complex, Commercial Complex, School, Temple).

Profile: Jignesh Parmar


  1. nima
    Jan 26, 2023

    we have a new rcd with 2 switch, for test monthly and leakage indication, but usually our rcd have a switch, just for test monthly, do you ever see this switch for leakage indication?

    Dec 25, 2019


  3. Jignesh Patel
    Sep 27, 2019

    We can use ELCB 30mA for power supply to Gas chromatography systems ( Temperature UP and Down required in this instrument ) instrument required 10A,1500watt,220v power

  4. Prasad Kamath
    May 03, 2019

    It is important to stress the point that neither the ELCB or RCCB protect the circuit against overload/short circuit. That means, in any domestic wiring both MCB/MCCB ( for overload/short circuit protection) and ELCB/RCCB (for earth leakage protection) are to be used.

    What I want to emphasize is ELCB/RCCB cannot be a substitute of MCB/MCCB as mains switch.

  5. SeshagiriRao Damojipurapu
    Oct 25, 2018

    Is it good to have ELCBs in Industrial equipment like pump motors, reactor agitator’s motor, other unit equipment? or is it must to have protection device?

    Please give your inputs.

  6. Shahanas Basheer
    Sep 18, 2018

    At any time ELCB’s working depends external power supply and entire distribution system?

    Jun 09, 2018

    In my home place in Philippines, our Electric Cooperative is sending a drop voltage supply to each residential unit of 0-220V (Line to zero potential earth supply) two-wire system, live copper cable and cable earth guying,60hz and 1 phase.
    My question is which type of breaker protection I will use or recommend having earth leakage protection and wiring sample if possible?

  8. Muhammed Rashid
    May 24, 2018

    I switched off all mcbs in my home distribution board yet the RCD tripped without load. Please help.

  9. Ashok kumar
    Mar 19, 2018

    What is Maximum load % use in ELCB?

  10. virgil
    Jan 04, 2018

    i have a 3 phase control cabinet for a machine in an industrial factory. i have 3 hot legs and a ground
    are there any way to hook Earth Leakage circuit breaker to protect this machine?
    from the ground to each phase i have 105 volts and from phase to phase 200 volts fed from the secondary side of the transformer also it is a 60 amp circuit.

  11. thiha
    Nov 24, 2017

    Can use ELCB for water pump?

  12. RKAgarwal
    Nov 10, 2017

    I WANT to start manufacturing of ELCB.Can you help me.Write me your terms & condition for full technology transfer.

  13. Kamran
    Nov 24, 2016

    Hi, what should be the rating of earth leakage circuit beaker if one want to install in the home for current protection. And what will be the best criteria to select leakage circuit breaker , if your line voltage is 220V.

  14. chan
    Sep 07, 2016

    Is single phase preventer required to connect in the motor feeder if ELR is already connected. ELR detects the phase imbalance even due to the single phasing. Please clarify?

  15. h.babadi
    Mar 24, 2016

    i want to measure leakage to ground can you help
    thank you

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      Two high sensitivity ammeters ( multimeters or sensitive clip-on meters ) in Phase and neutral . their difference is the leakage current. Switching on one by one end device will show which is the faulty one also. But remember some machines like a submersible pump will have some leakage current though there is no danger.

  16. venkateshwarlu
    Mar 15, 2016

    Hi Sir,
    I want to know the Difference between ELCB and GFCI.

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      GFCI works on RCD principle, both are same practically.

  17. Perry Overstake
    Feb 04, 2016

    I have an industrial application where the equipment requires 400V. 3-Ph, 4W. So I’ll be using a 480-400V transformer, then I’ll need to run the secondary thru a Type B ELCB-current sensitive breaker to feed the machine. Am I correct by putting the breaker on the secondary side? Or should I put it on the transformer Primary? The load is 2700VA.

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      Better connect it on primary side as the transformer would also be protected against leakage or body shock.

  18. sudharsanan
    Dec 06, 2015

    Kindly Suggest a protection device against the leakage voltage in neutral

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      Many reasons may be behind it. Find out the reason and no need to connect any device for it. Probable reasons
      1. Unbalanced load in phases
      2. Broken or loose connection in neutral
      3. Improper earthing of neutral point
      4. Insulation failure of any one or more end

    Sep 21, 2015

    Can you provide me the wiring diagram?FOR House wiring advatages ELCB HOW to Calculated rating for house wiring

  20. Ramesh Patel
    Aug 24, 2015

    Three phase 63Amps 4 pole30 mA ELCB can work if people touch at holder end with ground

  21. rajesh
    Jul 31, 2015

    i am working in pharma. we have a washing machine, 3phase suply. it connected to ELCB it was getting tripped when it starts.
    i connected to 4 pole MCB. it is not getting tripped. the reason i can’t get nw. plz tell me the reason

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      Both serve different purposes. MCB and ELCB have different purposes. Leakage in your washing machine may be the problem. May be due to wet body your washing machine has a small leakage current which won’t cause any danger. Use a little more upgraded ELCB ( like 50 mA or 100 MA). Guess yours is 30mA now.

  22. Mahesh
    Jun 18, 2015

    Are this system is useful for leak current while charging the laptop with ups supply .

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      Yes, only if the ups is properly grounded

  23. wilson
    Apr 30, 2015

    sir, recently one of my worker tried to switch off the elcb suddenly elcb got blasted and his right arm totally burned , what is the exact reason behind this accident

  24. makhosini moyo
    Apr 24, 2015

    could anyone elaborate on the concept of nuisance trips in TNC or TNC-S system , trying to understand exactly how an external fault from these systems can trigger a trip of the ELCB and also the issue of extraneous bonding say neighbours are connected to common water pipes which are all grounded at some point can ey also induce a trip

  25. tina
    Mar 29, 2015

    Eath fault implies a significant contact between phase and ground and it can cause heavy current and can cause damage; earth leakage is a high resistance contact with earth that the phase may have in cables; devices etc.; since the current is small it wont create any problem usually. However, its a sort of indication that there are insulation problems present in the cable/devices.
    Earth leackage and Earth Fault relay

  26. Mrunal Ahirrao
    Mar 10, 2015

    Nice tutorial. But I am having one question that how can we gurantee that the test switch works and makes rcd trip and this will protect us from electric shock? Because though test switch creates imbalance between currents but not via earth. And when we get electrocuted the current flows from our body to earth.

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      Your doubt is absolutely well informed one. No guarantee for safety on an actual shock.

  27. Ramin Shadyakhi
    Mar 04, 2015

    What is diffrent betwin RCCB and RCD?

  28. Nagaraja Adiga
    Jan 03, 2015

    As i understood, MCB senses the earth leakage current to trip the MCB and it cannot sense earth to neutral shorting. My Earth leakage MCB is tripping just plugging in mixer,,,ie before switching ON. However other appliances works well in that plug point. What may be the reason.? please anybody…

  29. Steve Deren
    Dec 01, 2014

    Beautifully written.
    My question is this – if you would have any hints.
    A 24 Vdc power supply (negative grounded) works as a part of 240 Vac system empowering 2 robots. In one case Electrical Power Authority questioned this set up saying the 24 Vdc might be left floating (but not grounded). Is there any merit to this?. I always grounded the 24 Vdc to the same ground as the 240 Vac (or, for the sake, other ac voltage, – 480, 600 Vac etc.). Note also that the 24 Vdc might be a part of the safety system.

    • Sarma DHS
      Jan 15, 2015

      I would like to know the answer from other readers

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      You should not use the same earthing system. Both should be earthed seperately and maximum distance if possible.

    Oct 20, 2014

    nice article

  31. M.S.Sridhar
    Oct 11, 2014

    Please let me know if an ELR with CBCT work on a 3ph,3wire system. Can an RCCB work on a circuit connected to 2 phases. No neutral in this system.

  32. R S PHILAR
    Sep 24, 2014

    I stay in apartment consisting of 35 flats(3kws load each).The distributing panel has ELR relay for protection against leakage current.This relay has current and time settings switches.which can be put on or off as per requirement.Plse let me know the correct setting for this relay to avoid nuisance tripping.

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      Try from 25 mA in successive addition of mA. Whenever the system stables with wet eqpt ON, such as submersible pumps, washing machines etc. , leave it on that setting.

  33. Prabakaran Balaraman
    Jul 28, 2014

    (i) On what basis, the over – current and earth fault setting is set for a given load. If there is any formula . If so, please send the formula to my mail ID.

    (ii) How to select the curve characteristics for the motor and transformer.

    Looking for your positive reply.

  34. nitish
    Jul 18, 2014

    dear sir i want to know how can i troubleshoot 3 phase fully automatic star delta starter.please reply..thanks in advance.

  35. Moheet
    Jun 14, 2014

    Kindly clarify the following . We have an elcb installed as the main switch in our home for current flow. When using a test lamp for finding whether the earthing is ok or not, i find the following.

    1. Test lamp wires with bulb inserted in phase and neutral the lamp glows.

    2. Test lamp wire with bulb inserted in phase and earth the elcb trips.

    Does it mean my earthing of my home is ok or not?

    Should the bulb glow in 2 case, if the earthing is okay. Please reply to my email. 09830231975

    • Hari
      Mar 09, 2016

      your ELCB works great

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      Your ELCB works good

  36. dhanish p
    Mar 15, 2014

    I have a doubt about RCCB, some RCCB neutral indicate left and some have right side. Is there any difference between phase pole and neutral pole in a three phase RCCB.

  37. Mehboob Ansari
    Mar 04, 2014

    Dear Sir, It was nice reading your article. However, my confusion still stands as how can a three phase ELCB be wired up in a common house electrical panel? Can you be kind to let me have a circuit showing the best possible location of 3 phase 4-wire system ELCB in the panel (house or office). With kind regards, Ansari

  38. choudhary vishwajit
    Jan 27, 2014

    sir, i want to know while designing a 3-phase earth monitoring system how we can set reference voltage. you can reply me on my email.

  39. choudhary vishwajit
    Jan 27, 2014

    sir, i want to know while designing a 3-phase circuit breaker how to choose the reference voltage to trip the phase if it exceeds the reference.

  40. vinod
    Dec 16, 2013

    is there a device to control voltage incoming from neutral

  41. albinjai87
    Nov 04, 2013

    Is it ok or not if the RCCB does not trip during the lightning strike? When I push the test button, the RCCB trips instantaneously. Does it show that the grounding connection is not in good condition?

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      RCCB is not designed to trip on lightning.

  42. jiguparmar
    Jul 29, 2013

    We mostly use 100ma ELCB for industrial / Commercial purpose and 30ma for domestic (Residential Wiring) to avoid nuisance Tripping .For further wiring Diagram may helpful to find solution.

  43. chavan2294
    Jul 29, 2013

    Please can any body tell me why transformer is rated in “KVA” and Generating station is rated in ” Watt” ?you can answer me in email [email protected]

  44. Pradeepk
    Mar 12, 2013

    Can any body Please tell me how can i measure the Earth leakage current of the Lighting/Power Circuit?

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      Use a highly sensitive ( 3 decimal points ) to measure phase and neutral currents. Their difference is the leakage current.

    Jul 11, 2012


    • Edvard
      Jul 11, 2012

      Can you provide me the wiring diagram?

    • Girish R Nair
      Jul 27, 2016

      Wet equipment usually shows such. Try to install 50mA ( if OK , best ) or 100mA as the case.

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