Ahmed M. Ismaiel





I'm Ahmed M. Ismaiel, lecturer assistant, and researcher in the department of electrical power and machines, Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University. Furthermore, I work as a content creator, and electrical instructor. I offer top-notch courses in electrical engineering to help my students understand concepts theoretically and practically in an easy-to-understand manner. I am the Founder of NewWay Academy and NewElectric Consulting Office. I'm also an electrical power engineer, having a Master's degree in electrical power system control with numerous published research works in the top electrical engineering journals worldwide.


  • Master Degree in Electrical power and machine engineering from Suez Canal University

    Low Voltage Power Distribution Course For Beginners
    13 Lessons

    Low Voltage Power Distribution Course For Beginners

    This course provides everything about distribution systems design needed for electrical engineering beginners. It comprises lighting design, wiring of electrical components, circuit breaker selection, selectivity and cascading, distribution transformers, power cables, short circuit analysis and voltage drop calculations, power factor, etc. 54 lessons in total duration of 11h 15min.

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    ETAP Power System Design and Analysis Course: Learn To Resolve Power System Issues
    10 Lessons

    ETAP Power System Design and Analysis Course: Learn To Resolve Power System Issues

    This course provides a knowledge in power system modeling and analysis by utilizing the ETAP program and its features. The course covers the analysis of arc-flash, transient stability, motor accelerating, short-circuit, harmonics, as well as the protection example, earthing analysis and an example of renewable energy sources. The course consists of a total of 34 lessons and has a duration of 5 hours and 29 minutes.

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