Practical Course to Current Transformers (CTs): Specifications, Testing and Examples in Protection and Measuring Applications
This course is dedicated to Current Transformers (CTs), which are extremely important for electrical protection and measuring systems. It includes practical theory, testing procedures and real-world examples of the correct CT selection. The course consists in 23 lessons in 2h 14m total length.
Advanced Electrical Machines MasterClass: Examples, Industrial Applications and Troubleshooting
In this all-encompassing 50-hour course, students will learn both theoretical foundations and practical applications, examples and troubleshooting of three basic electrical machine types: DC machines, synchronous machines, and induction machines. The course consists in 33 lessons and 298 topics in duration of 50+ hours.
Steady-State Performance and Stability Analysis of Electric Power Systems
The course provides detailed presentations of steady-state performance and stability analysis of electric power systems. The handled problems cover the effects of various controllers and conditions on the performance and stability of power systems. The course consists in 8 lectures and 5h 16m total length.
Welcome to EEP Academy Courses
Who are we? EEP – Electrical Engineering Portal is the worldwide portal engaged in the education of electrical engineers in the fields of High- Medium- and Low-voltage facilities.
What do we do? We simply work and enjoy inspiring electrical engineers all across the world to explore magical electrical engineering fields as well as to remind experienced engineers of what they learned back in the old days.
EEP Academy is an online school dedicated to the education of electrical engineers worldwide. Our courses provide all the cutting-edge hand-crafted Electrical Engineering knowledge, based on the 10+ years of practice of our instructors, experienced electrical engineers.
Even if the journey to becoming an electrical engineer is neither simple nor short, EEP Academy is at your service as a great step in your education.

Learn from Senior Engineers
Starting from the fundamentals of electricity and AC/DC circuits, you can learn three-phase power analysis, power transformers, protection & control of high voltage circuits, short-circuit analysis, substation protection, low voltage distribution design, electric motor, and generator applications and troubleshooting, solar energy systems, electrical designing & drafting, etc.
If you are serious about the electrical design of industrial, residential and commercial projects, we have dedicated courses just for that! Learn to design electrical systems in the most popular software like Matlab/Simulink, AutoCAD, ETAP, EPLAN, or Dialux.
Lifetime Access, No Limitation
EEP Academy’s courses are dedicated to electrical engineers, industrial electricians, substation engineers, electricians, plant maintenance, project managers, and non-electrical industrial professionals. Of course, everyone else can learn a lot from our courses.
Purchasing course includes lifetime access to it and to the download material (if any). All video courses are on-demand which means that you can take the lessons anytime, without any limitations.
Whether you are looking to improve your own job or trying to boost your electrical engineering career by expanding your knowledge on the field, EEP have the most motivating learning paths for you.

Who are the Instructors?
The instructors are engineers and senior electrical professionals with a minimum level of 10+ years of experience each. All have served at the highest level of various industries throughout the world.
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EEP’s premium members with an Enterprise subscription plan have a 50% discount on all EEP Academy’s courses. Sounds interesting? Feel free to sign up for an Enterprise Premium Membership.
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If you have your own courses and want to sell them worldwide, you’ve come to the right place. Our revenue share model is 50/50%, a flat rate. 1.5 million engineers per month guarantee you success.
Practical Course to Current Transformers (CTs): Specifications, Testing and Examples in Protection and Measuring Applications
This course is dedicated to Current Transformers (CTs), which are extremely important for electrical protection and measuring systems. It includes practical theory, testing procedures and real-world examples of the correct CT selection. The course consists in 23 lessons in 2h 14m total length.
Advanced Electrical Machines MasterClass: Examples, Industrial Applications and Troubleshooting
In this all-encompassing 50-hour course, students will learn both theoretical foundations and practical applications, examples and troubleshooting of three basic electrical machine types: DC machines, synchronous machines, and induction machines. The course consists in 33 lessons and 298 topics in duration of 50+ hours.
Steady-State Performance and Stability Analysis of Electric Power Systems
The course provides detailed presentations of steady-state performance and stability analysis of electric power systems. The handled problems cover the effects of various controllers and conditions on the performance and stability of power systems. The course consists in 8 lectures and 5h 16m total length.
Understanding the Concepts Behind Power System Reliability
This course is dedicated to power engineers interested in learning power system reliability concepts. You will learn how to calculate different reliability indices for multiple hierarchical tiers of power systems. The course consists in 7 lectures and 4h 6m total duration.
Comprehensive Automatic Control Theory in Electrical Engineering
Welcome to our course, “Comprehensive Automatic Control Theory in Electrical Engineering,” designed to provide in-depth knowledge of automated control theory from the foundational level, specifically for electrical engineers.
Motor Control Schematics Course For True Engineers
Welcome to the “Motor Control Circuits Course For True Engineers” – a schematic understanding course that will teach you the fundamentals of drawing / schematics associated with motor control. The course consists of 22 lessons in 2h 32min. total duration.