If an alternating voltage V of frequency f is applied across an insulation system comprising capacitance C and equivalent series loss resistance RS, then the voltage VR across RS and the voltage VC across C due to the resulting current I are:
V = (VR2 + VC2)½
The dielectric dissipation factor of the insulation system is the tangent of the dielectric loss angle d between VC and V:
tand = VR / VC = RS / XC = 2pfCRS
RS = XCtand = tand / 2pfC
Note that an increase in the dielectric losses of a insulation system (from an increase in the series loss resistance RS) results in an increase in tand. Note also that tand increases with frequency.
The dielectric power loss P is related to the capacitive reactive power QC by:
P = I2RS = I2XCtand = QCtand
The power factor of the insulation system is the cosine of the phase angle f between VR and V:
cosf = VR / V
so that d and f are related by:
d + f = 90°
tand and cosf are related by:
tand = 1 / tanf = cosf / sinf = cosf / (1 – cos2f)½
so that when cosf is close to zero, tand » cosf
Note that the series loss resistance RS is not related to the shunt leakage resistance of the insulation system (which is measured using direct current).
NOTATION | ||||||
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B E f G I j k m N n P p R | susceptance induced voltage frequency conductance current j-operator coefficient number of phases number of turns rotational speed power pole pairs resistance | [siemens, S] [volts, V] [hertz, Hz] [siemens, S] [amps, A] [1Ð90°] [number] [number] [number] [revs/min] [watts, W] [number] [ohms, W] | S s T V X Y Z d F f h q w | voltamperes slip torque terminal voltage reactance admittance impedance loss angle magnetic flux phase angle efficiency temperature angular speed | [volt-amps, VA] [per-unit] [newton-metres, Nm] [volts, V] [ohms, W] [siemens, S] [ohms, W] [degrees, °] [webers, Wb] [degrees, °] [per-unit] [centigrade, °C] [radians/sec] |