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Category 'Datacenters' - Technical Articles

Category “Datacentres” is dedicated to technical articles about various electrical equipment installed within datacenter substation. The great attention is paid to the basics of electrical distribution equipment, and best practices for the installation of data networking equipment.


Emergency Lighting Power Supply in Data Center

Lighting is defined as emergency lighting when it is intended for operation when standard lighting fails. Emergency lighting must be powered by an independent energy source (typically a central power supply system) and is classified by the UNI EN 1838 standard… Read more

Feb 06, 2015 | By


Sizing a Static UPS System In Data Center

Choosing the power of a static UPS system serving a data center is a decision that involves various elements and which cannot be made before, or independently from, the choice of distribution scheme. The main elements to consider can be summarised… Read more

Jan 23, 2015 | By

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Experience matters. Premium membership gives you an opportunity to study specialized technical articles, online video courses, electrical engineering guides, and papers written by experienced electrical engineers.